Pupil Premium Funding
Everybody at Tudor Church of England Primary School is recognised as a gift from God and someone for whom there is a unique and wonderful purpose. To that aim, we strive to achieve the highest possible standards in all areas of life to allow us all to fulfil this and to do the very best we can.
We want all our children to experience 'Life in all its fulness'.
Every member of staff here at Tudor CE Primary School is committed to meeting the needs of all pupils in a pastoral, social, academic and spiritual way in a sensitive and caring environment. We all accept responsibility for meeting the needs of 'socially disadvantaged' children and families.
Our priority in the academic year 2021-2022 will be focussed on closing any learning gaps identified from the Covid Lockdowns earlier with children who are in receipt of pupil premium funding. We will focus on increasing opportunity and enrichment within and beyond the curriculum as far as we can currently, and on supporting children in their emotional and social well-being, again potentially as a result of our Covid lockdown. Our nurture class is now open 5 days a week and all day. We have 1 full time members of staff working with children.
We are also aware of the effect of lockdwon on our parent community and our FSP Mrs Jackie Dew works very closely with parents helping them in any way she can currently.
Please read the document below which outlines our strategy in greater detail for this academic year. (This will be added here very shortly)
A review of our pupil premium strategy is attached as a document below. We have worked with our MAT this year on a disadvantaged review looking at our provision and vision for our work with the disadvantaged children here at Tudor.
We review our strategy each year.
The date for the next review will be September 2025.
2024-2025 Pupil Premium Plans.
Please take a moment to read our pupil premium spending plan and strategy for this current school year
Early Help Local Offer
We are incredibly fortunate to have Mrs Jackie Dew on staff as a Family Support Practitioner. Mrs Dew is available to help children, staff and families everyday, apart from Thursdays. Appointments can be made through the office or by speaking to Mrs Dew when she is outside each morning.
Mrs Dew is here to help in any way she can, either by helping with attendance, family liason, family communication etc. She can accompany parents and children to appointments if necessary and make home visits to support home-school communication.
Details of our local offer for early help is attached above.